Monday, August 4, 2008


So I just added a new edition to my family about 2 months ago, my 3rd son Anson. Ever since he came home from the hospital everything has been pure chaos. I cant get anywhere on time to save my life, not to mention I end up coming back in the house at least twice because I have forgotten stuff. Every time we leave I make the mistake of thinking "ok here we go holy shit were making good time, we just might make it there on time." Well thats always wishful thinking, right after my thought is still lingering, Anson of course has a shitty diaper, Jake has to pee, Izac forgot his damn pokemon cards which of course he cant even function without. Then my next thought is " well that f'igures" Why do I even attempt you ask? Well probally because i realize I live in an organized shit hole!! I look around and see just clutter everywhere, my fantastic husband is a F'in slob. Of course he is, he is a man. Why in the world would he pick up his shit laying around? He wouldnt be able to find it if he did that which is why when i pick it up he says" babe where did my whatever it is go?" men are so blind!! if its not right in front of there face its no where to be found. I have this issue everyday with 4 boys in the house. Tomorrow will be easier i think....... well i hope.


blog648 said...

Laura and I read your first post and laughed till we almost cried. This is great.

The blue text, although a perfectly apropriate color considering the content, is a little hard to read.

Keep this up, please. Pictures from our recent family event are soon forthcoming.

Cindy said...

Good for you I have been meaning to start a blog for a while now. Life as a mother is busy and it seems that someone or something is always needing you or wanting something from you but just remember this time is going to fly by faster than you know it so promise me jodi that you will sit back and enjoy the hell out of your beautiful family. make lots of good times and then remember them well so you can tell me all about it later. I miss you guys,