Friday, September 19, 2008


I haven't written in a while cause well, I'm not that exciting ha. So were down to one car as everyone know thanks to some granny, when Brad works which is 13 hours i get to stay home and clean or some other slightly productive project. Izac is doing great in school, he FINALLY has one of his front teeth in but missing teeth everywhere, his other front tooth is still just hanging out under his fat gums. Jake is oh lord hes a nightmare. Anson is a super baby! cutest happiest baby unless hes hungry of course but sleeps like a champ! I am working 3 days a week, I recently started going to a christian church with Bev my neighbor which is great. Brad of course is not he doesn't like "organized religion" he says but whatever. My friend Jen is getting married an I'm going to be in the wedding so I had the unfortunate luck to take my kids to the mall yesterday. Big fat mistake that was, Anson was just hanging out in the stroller, Jake was screaming through every store, knocking things off the shelves, and hiding in the middle of clothes racks, Izac was dancing in every store with music, jumping from block to block on the main mall walk ways, looking down of course he probably ran into fifty people. I had to force Jake to hold my hand so he didn't run off, an he was also looking at the floor an he ran right into a pole face first haha luckily it was padded so he didn't get injured but i will tell you what i could have peed my pants on the spot it was so funny! i thought well ha that's what you get for not listening but that didn't stop him. Never again will i do that shit. I must have had a mental block to think that was a good idea. Gees some people kids!!!


Leiser Family said...

LOL! That was brave taking 3 kids to the mall. I have to have Todd go with me if I take Michael shopping. How do you get little boys to listen to their parents?

Cindy said...

well you did marry my brother and i DID warned you what he was like and then you had THREE of his kids, you are just plain nuts or really in love with brad! (don't worry jodi i am sure it is the latter!) besides look who i ended up with, and i keep thinking kai will be an angel! :-)