Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ansons 1st Birthday

Today is my babies first birthday. I'm so sad that he is getting big so fast. I know people say they grow so fast blah blah, but It honestly didn't feel like it with Izac or Jake. This years has flown by I'm not sure if its because Anson is my last baby or if I was just delirious with the other two. Anson is really the sweetest baby. Those big blue eyes just get me every time. Dont get me

wrong he is mean little shit, but so sweet at the same time. We bought him a castle and he just loves it. He plays peek a boo in it, its so funny. Izac want so bad to get in it but well hes way over the weight limit. Jake on the other hand is not so he takes full advantage of getting in it whenever possible. Anson crawls in it and flops right out if you were here for his birthday you know what I mean. He basically falls on his head every time he gets out but he loves. Well see how long the balls that are in it last. Considering the neighbors think our house is the park and take it upon themselves to come and bring all there friends to play with all my kids shit. But that's another story in itself. Enjoy the pics of my cute little shit!


Anonymous said...

What a sweet baby! Happy Birthday to Anson (belatedly).

Sending BIG (((HUGS))) to my sweet nephew Brad and family today. I love you!

Found your blog through your Aunt Linda's blog by bloghopping around. Sorry I could not be at her funeral today.

I am only able to leave comments on the blogs that have "Anonymous" as an option for commenting so please "Spread the Love" to your brothers and sisters for me.

Aunt Shannon

"Ant" Shannon (remember that?) >^..^< Ha ha!

Jodi said...

Holy shit!! I am so super excited you found our blog. I am DYING to meet you, I have heard so many great things about you! I just LOVE your siblings there such amazing people. Im sure you are also. I feel so lucky that you contacted me an susan of all people... Is a meeting ever possible?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Jodi, you and Susan are the only ones who have a blog that allows people to comment anonymously so that's why no one else got a comment! I'm glad you do! I'm glad I got to say hello and send my love.

I'm very private about my contact info for safety reasons.

I'm not sure a meeting is possible since we live far from each other, but thank you for your sweet words!

I really had a LOT of fun with my nieces and nephews when they were growing up and I always thought Brad was such a sweetie! We could probably share a lot of fun stories. I don't think I have anything embarassing to say about my nieces and nephews. Just LOTS of fun memories babysitting them and doing fun things together.

~Aunt Shannon >^..^<

Jodi said...

i completly understand the safety issue. I have know quite alot of family history. But I thought there might be a chance, and I would have been kicking myself for not asking. But contact is excellent I will make due with that. I have lots of embarrassing stories about Brad, Jared, and Cindy for sure ha ha maybe i will make some posts on them. please continuing writing comments!! brad had the biggest smile when i told him you left some.

Kathy said...

Jodi and Brad - Anson's pictures look like what Jared did on his 1st Birthday! I made him a "drum" cake and he went to town on it. Have the pictures....Some where...