Today is our anniversary. 6 years married, almost 10 together. I thought I would tell how we meet an a few other random things. I meet Mindy in hell that is sconecutter. She had been telling me that Jared's brother had gotten himself in some trouble so his mom was shipping him here to live with his dad and she was going to get him a job in hell to "keep and eye on him, and help him out." So I come storming out the back door to smoke all pissed off as usual bitching about my loser husband (that's a whole other story, but yes I unfortunately was married once before) and there was Mindy and Brad. As a shift manager I really enjoyed giving new employees shit especially the guys, they were more fun than the girls they usually ended up quitting which is also another story. So when new people start they were on fries cause you couldn't mess that up for the most part. Brad was doing fries and I was banging on the counter and yelling at him " hurry the fuck up, god your slow" He turned around and said " fuck you there coming" Now i know this sounds pretty mean but ha it is certainly not. Immediately I thought "alright i like this guy he is gonna be fun to work with" Finally someone with my sense of humor! Before I continue i want to say that at this point in my pathetic marriage, it was nearing the end. So a year goes by and I decide that I'm done being the beat stick and I proceed with my divorce. I moved back in with my mom while my divorce was going through. Brad and I started hanging out after work and drinking. So sometimes... well most of the time I sleep at Brads house cause i couldn't drive home, I had been drinking see. We would go to the school and drink, smoke and BS. Brad knew all the creeks in the stairs and which ones to skip so no one would hear him, but I didn't so he would give me a piggy back ride down the stair which was scary since we had both been drinking but he didn't want his dad to hear two sets of footsteps. But of course we got caught I would always park my car in front of the house which was right in front of Linda's window. I worked at seven or eight in the morning so I would leave pretty early but Laura came walking across the street when we were having our morning smoke and well she was not pleased with this neither was Linda. I do recall Brad telling me his dad had "chat" with him about this. He had asked Brad what was going on and if he was just going to have sex with this girl, and then what? HAHA sorry Jack but at that point we really really were just sleeping, no sex happening. So moving on, I couldn't stay there anymore so we decided to move out together, where we went I don't recall honestly we have live in lots of places with lots of people. None of that matters anyway. So I'm just gonna skip ahead here a bit...
After 3 months or so of dating I get pregnant with Izac, I didn't know I was for about 12 weeks! Three months pregnant before I find out, ya I'm brilliant. It was only because I was crying like a baby that my pants wouldn't button up that my sister Jamie said " what the hell is wrong with you are you pregnant?" A light bulb went off I'm my head wow i guess that's possible. We were going to Washington to see Chris, who was coming home from his mission. At this point I had only talked to Brads mom a few times. We had never meet and now we get to tell her I'm pregnant, super. Brad had told me we were gonna tell her together, so I was nervous. He said that we would tell her first then the rest of the family. Ha ya right that's not even close to how it went. We get in the car at the airport and Noelle and Cindy are driving us back to the house and brad blurts out that there going to be aunts again. Then he just tells his mom first thing and she came up to me and said "so Jodi, when is the baby due" I was taken off guard, so I was floored gee thanks for the warning honey. Needless to say one of the first things she said was so when are you getting married. If you know Brad you know that didn't go over well. He refused to get married just because he knocked me up. Skipping ahead again lots of pointless shit happened for a few years.
Izac was two an I had decided that we were NEVER going to get married. (although I did refuse to have any more kids without being married!) Brad finally asked me to marry him on valentines day 2003. Clearly you can see that was the best decision we made! I am happy things went the way they did, and thanks to Mindy I met Brad, who is fabulous and I love very dearly!
Well, this is a very educational post.
I'm glad you two got married. I think it's worked out pretty well for a match made in hell (Sconecutter), that's funny.
Happy Anniversary! I loved reading your story! I know the story, but for some reason I really really enjoyed reading your account of it.
I'm glad things worked out in the end. :)
Oh, Happy Anniversary
I got your comment. SOrry Blogger is being so tempermental. I don't know what the deal is or I would fix it. I did take the word verification off...I have that on there because computer spammers come along and put harmful spam comments on and if you click on them they will DESTROY your computer. yep yep.
I won't be publishing it because it's your email address.
ok shannon i cant get on your blog, it says im not invited so could you see whats up with that?
Someone should thankyou for marrying him so thankyou jodi, I often wondered who wouldmarry him and I am so glad it was you! I love reading your blog! It makes my day when you have new posts!
I have been having the same problem with Aunt Shannon's page, so it isn't just you, you aren't that special to be the only one left out!
Lance showed me how to get to your blog. Yes! Hope I can find it again. Love Ya, Carla
Hi there, Jodi! Just checking back with ya! I hope you got my previous comment and my email with the invite! :)
((Hugs))! :)
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